Civics and Government Awareness Month: August 2015
The Alabama State Department of Education has designated August 2015 as Civics and Government Awareness Month. Dr. Bice is encouraging teachers and school leaders to visit the Alabama legislature to witness state government in action, so they can share firsthand with their students what they learned from the visit. The Alabama legislature's special session reconvenes on August 3, 2015 and may continue through August 11 and provides an opportunity to see government in action as we start a new school year.The ALSDE also encourages 7th Grade Civics and 12th Grade Government teachers to consider the following exploring the following activities during August:
- Review the roles and responsibilities of local school board members, state school board members, county commissioners, and city council members.
- Visit a meeting conducted by any of the above governmental entities.
- Invite school board members and other elected or appointed officials to visit a classroom in one or more of your schools.
- Review the three branches of state government and focus on the roles and responsibilities of your state representatives and senators in the Alabama legislature. Invite your legislators to visit your classroom.
- Review the structure of the three branches of federal government and focus on the roles and responsibilities of the US Congress and Alabama's Congressional delegation.
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